You should have met me when I was young
You should have seem me in my prime
I was somebody everyone else loved
I was someone that ever body loved to have around
But life has such a funny way
Of making you remain the same
While everyone and everything changes
It's easy to doubt what you see now
But I was lightning
I was lightning on the ground
Like a storm time rolls on out of your life
Out of the sky and out of your control
But it's not the time that you'v been given
That determines how long or how you been living
Because life has such a funny way
Of making your memories fade
While the years tick by and you keep ageing
Now it's easy to doubt what you see now
But I was lightning
Lighting on the ground
Everyone heard my voice
Everyone knew when I struck down
And made that sound and made that noise
It's sounded like a million horses
Running across the clouds
You should have met me when I was young
You should have seem me in my prime
I was some body everyone loved to have around
I was lightning
I was lightning on the ground