Ballare Basil from Italy Curl her toes How she finish me See scenes of Sicily Stake the scenic route Steaks plated with Tiffany Sistine chapel Assisted me In painting a gorgeous canvas What's sickening is sickles screech on cement Reaper ghost in black laughing I'm haunted by my phantoms All my money tax free I sit on a plantation of seedlings See bees sting Nothing vanilla can't handle Handle a vanilla in slow motion lit candle Lemon juices angles Eyes like f*ckin rain coats Sommer rays handle Let my feet breathe sandal Nothing in life that I can't handle Place my cross up on my mantle from of a mirror Go Rambo King of the jungle Make her legs shake Wednesday hmp ya Your girlie wanna cum with ya Threeesome surplus love Scrupulous like cursive touch I don't ever wanna leave ya Sit with me and let this beat achieve the Goal of satisfactory Applaud the feeling as clapping hands with cheeks Stand against me Don't talk back to me Actually fact check Stat sheets trance enchants me
Qui amore mio sento l'eco del tuo cuore premi la tua guancia sulla mia