Happy Earthday it's like the earth's birthday
when we celebrate this amazing world on which we laugh and play
Everybody let's shout out for earthday
Let's all enjoy nature and bask in the sun's rays
hey there all if you give a hoot
for mother nature you constantly root
and this deep love has got you by the foot
then please please please do not pollute
Happy Earthday it's like the earth's birthday
when we celebrate this amazing world on which we laugh and play
Everybody let's shout out for earthday
Let's all enjoy nature and bask in the sun's rays
I don't like to throw butts on the ground
so i stick em in my pocket to later be found
I'll pick up garbage i see lying around
rather than letting it pile up into a mound
Happy Earthday it's like the earth's birthday
when we celebrate this amazing world on which we laugh and play
Everybody let's shout out for earthday
Let's all enjoy nature and bask in the sun's rays
please don't toss your trash up into the trees
nor should you dump that shit into the seas
don't pollute the skies, it's killing birds and bees
and i'd still like to be able to enjoy the summer breeze
Happy Earthday it's like the earth's birthday
when we celebrate this amazing world on which we laugh and play
Everybody let's shout out for earthday
Let's all enjoy nature and bask in the sun's rays
[Thanks to frostythesnowman1111 for adding these lyrics]