[The Warehouse Party]
Thank You Ado for giving me something to do
I'm off to the warehouse party thanks to you
I play some songs for the folks as they leave
Then I head inside before I be-gin to freeze
[Verse 1]
Through the white plastic drapes and the black metal doors
through the maze made of gates past a group of young whore
through the labyrinth of potties I find my way in
See a stage with some people as the DJ he spins
Another Stage to my left lazer lights flourished make blips
I turn around to see there's still more party round the lip
as I pass under the arch I reach a world of strange sights
robots made of tape that glow in the black light
[verse 2]
There's a bright gowing tree oh so dazzling alright
a ufo with blinking bulbs ready to fly into the night
i turn around to see a tent that's full of bean bag chairs
I think to sit and rest a bit but there's so much to see I didn't dare
[Verse 3]
I turn around to explore and see what else is on the list
see all these booths for a bunch of cool things I had missed
There were pirates prancing proudly prosed on their pirate ship
computer code art you walked through what a trip
I go to use the bathroom but the back one is closed
then i meet a new friend who would just like a few bogues
Now I'm introduced to the popology captain
We chat for a bit be-fore he heads on back in
Then I play guitar and go to use the bathroom
Meet a new friend named James though I'm annoyed I have to stop too soon
Then I head on o-ver by the door
The people enjoyed it they screamed at me to play more
Now its time for me to say goodbye
As I sing my goodbye song the guards open the doors wide
I con-tinue playing right there outside
people are amazed cause its so cold they stare at me wide eyed
Now its time for me to go and find my next ad-venture
[Thanks to frostythesnowman1111 for adding these lyrics]