They have solicitude for me
Like I do for you
Dont ever seek for me
I won't hide
I'll appear then bloom
Warm like a memory
When it's dusk
Falling on the dew
Let's travel back in time
When I first said
I love you
Your just a song away from me
Humming along to my melody
Now touch your heart
Can you feel me
Creating a bond in this harmony
Sing with me
They have no credence in the way
You can help me shine
The disenchantment with the lack
Of love inside
I'll never blame them
Because their plagued
With a boggled mind
I will pray for them and be there
Whenever they cry
Your just a song away from me
Humming along to my melody
Now touch your heart
Can you feel me
Creating a bond in this harmony
Sing with me
Oh I was bound to break
But I kept my faith
And you can keep yours too
If ever you feel shook
Just grab the good old book
Forget those fears
Expel your tears
Your just a song away from me
Humming along to my melody
Now touch your heart
Can you feel me
Creating a bond in this harmony
Your just a song away from me
Humming along to my melody
Now touch your heart
Can you feel me
Creating a bond in this harmony
Your just a song away from me
Humming along to my melody
Now touch your heart
Can you feel me
Creating a bond in this harmony
Sing with me