One, let's have some fun!
Jump up high, reach for the sky!
Two, look at you!
Clap your hands, stomp your shoes!
Three, come with me!
Spin around, just like a bee!
Four, let's explore!
Touch the ground, then touch the floor!
Count and move, let's groove!
One, two, three, four,
Let's count some more!
Five, six, seven, eight,
Jump, clap, spin, it's great!
Nine and ten, let's do it again,
Count and move, let's groove, my friends!
Five, feel alive!
Wiggle your fingers, side to side!
Six, add some kicks!
Kick your feet, like soccer tricks!
Seven, reach for heaven!
Stretch up tall, don't fall at all!
Eight, feeling great!
March in place, at your own pace!
Count and move, let's groove!
One, two, three, four,
Let's count some more!
Five, six, seven, eight,
Jump, clap, spin, it's great!
Nine and ten, let's do it again,
Count and move, let's groove, my friends!
Nine, feeling fine!
Wave your arms, side to side!
Ten, let's begin again!
Hop in place, join the race!
Count and move, let's groove!
One, two, three, four,
Let's count some more!
Five, six, seven, eight,
Jump, clap, spin, it's great!
Nine and ten, let's do it again,
Count and move, let's groove, my friends!
Count and move, let's groove!
We know our numbers, one to ten!
Let's sing and dance again and again!