Also while we're here
Can we talk about how much ICE f*cking sucks
Their detainment centers are
Essentially contemporary concentration camps
And if you voted for Trump
Or are going to continue voting for Trump in 2020
You're essentially complicit in genocide
Which is really f*cked up
Also while we're here
Can we talk about how much ICE f*cking sucks
Their detainment centers are
Essentially contemporary concentration camps
And if you voted for Trump
Or are going to continue voting for Trump in 2020
You're essentially complicit in genocide
Which is really f*cked up
Also while we're here
Can we talk about how much ICE f*cking sucks
Their detainment centers are
Essentially contemporary concentration camps
And if you voted for Trump
Or are going to continue voting for Trump in 2020
You're essentially complicit in genocide
Which is really f*cked up