Your song hit me hard today
It passed the guards and made it through
Into me
Into me
In that deep dark and desolate place within
Thanks for the music
And for the song
Thanks for being there
When it all went right and wrong
You're amazing
How do you do that
You do what you do
So well
I caught your gig
I saw your show
I bought your album
I dig the inner, the outer, the parts you tuck away
Sprinkled here and there, like crumbs through your words
That led me to the heart of you
Thanks for the music
And for the song
Thanks for being there
When it all went right and wrong
You're amazing
How do you do that
You do what you do
So, well
You'll never know the moments your song has seen
But we see them all
Your song held us in that moment
Your song lifted us high
Your song got us through