You said you miss my laugh
Sometimes you call
Just to hear that
You said you miss me
I miss you too
Every word that you say rings true
We laugh and cry
Like best friends do
We saw a rabbit hole
And fell right through
"Do you know where
You're going?" You ask
Hon, I don't have a clue
Do you?
We're a little more than crazy
And you've completely changed me
You're a little more than wild
I see it in your smile
You're the crazy kind of weird
A beautiful kind of weird
And you make me face
Every little thing I fear
You love how I'm strange
And you crave a little change
You don't ever care
What others hear
That's why we're
The right kind of weird
Like clay you've molded me
To the best me
Because of you
I'm who I've always wanted to be
Loving life and
Living in the moment
Staying strong and slowly growing
I won't let my past
Define my future
I won't be a mess
A failure, a loser
We spend every moment together
Compromises are made for each other
We're a little more than crazy
And you've completely changed me
You're a little more than wild
I see it in your smile
You're crazy kind of weird
A beautiful kind of weird
And you made me face every little thing I fear
You love how I'm strange
And you crave a little change
You don't ever care what others hear
That's why we're
The right kind of weird
We've had scary moments
And gotten lost
We've had times
When we have fought
There's still so much more
In this world to explore
We've had some adventures
Cheers to many more
You've made me happier
Than ever before
In my world
You've opened all these doors
We're a little more than crazy
And you've completely changed me
We're little more than wild
I see it in our smiles
We're crazy kind of weird
The beautiful kind of weird
And you made me face every little thing I fear
I love how we're strange
And we crave a little change
We don't ever care
What others hear
That's why we're
The right kind of weird
Hey, did you know?
You're the right kind of weird
Oh we're the right kind of weird
Oh you're my right kind of weird