Life is temporary,
We are just guests here.
Trying to buy achievements,
Trying not to loose.
If only we could see,
It's just time we have to loose.
Let's watch the rain,
Let's hear it drop.
Let's drink some coffe and talk about...
Where does that rush go?
Where do the thirty seconds go?
The thirty seconds driving faster
The thirty seconds saying good bye?
Where does that work go?
Where do that extra hours go?
Those extra hours of paperwork
Those extra hours neon lights and cold coffe?
Where do the emotions go?
Where does that loneliness come from?
As if we could swipe from left to right,
Where ist the time, as we're so fast?
Where does the love go?
Where is that honest emotion?
Look at all those happy pictures.
Where is the love, when we're so cool?