You lonesome individuum
Always tryin' the right
Trying to stand alone
Just walking along
I can see through your eyes
I colour your dreams
I can always reach
To your inner fear
Knowing the gone
Walking in the line
Standing in the corner
The sun doesn't shine
The feet getting hurt
The smell of cold air
Swallows your breath
Deep in the night
I can see through your eyes
I colour your dreams
I can always reach
To your inner fear
You lonesome individuum
Always tryin' the right
Trying to stand alone
Just walking along
Burning down your hopes
Do you even recognize?
You owe me an apology
You're liking to forget
I can see through your eyes
I colour your dreams
I can always reach
To your inner fear
I am your conscience
Something's blocking off
Nice try to escape
Think of a smarter way
You'll never get me alive
I'll be back too early
I'll strike you down
Nobody would even notice