You are more than the wheels you keep spinning
Attached to this machine
We're all caught up inside its momentum, if you
If you know what I mean
Vultures and wolves hit the sidewalk
All teeth and crooked beaks
To strip clean the flesh off the bones of each
Place plagued by this industry
And the kids in this town ain't seen much
Outside their university
Where the heavy equipment is constantly
Shredding the street
They live in complexes owned by
The biggest real estate companies
They get drunk off their ass just to drown out
That awful sense of apathy
And the cranes place steel beams in the lot
Where the new dorm's gonna be
A wave of renovations crash down on the shores
Of nearby streets
They ain't gonna stop til the rent's ten times higher
Than it used to be
And the locals abandon their homes and commute
From Tennessee