Please, please don't come near me
Give me a sphere please
I just need to rest
At ease, just give me space here
And then I'll make clear
When I want to return
Don't take it personal
I love talking to you, I just don't have control
Of my social energy, I spend it all and I'm exhausted
Please try to understand
I love talking to you, but I just can't
Go past a certain point, I pour out too long and I'm exhausted
Let me recharge
For two or three days, let me hide in my cave
I'll come back and be me when I'm good and ready
You just don't get
The way that I feel, let me make this appeal
That I love people, and they're simply draining
Please, please don't come near me
Give me a sphere please
I just need to rest
At ease, just give me space here
And then I'll make clear
When I want to return
Please don't let me make you think I'm not a people person, I just need time to relax
Please don't let me make you think I'm not interested, I'm just stressed, to the max
Please, please don't come near me
Give me a sphere please
I just need to rest
At ease, just give me space here
And then I'll make clear
When I want to return