Holding back from you now
I don't even know where to lie or where to go
I say f*ck it
I want you to go and kick the bucket
I hate your face and everything about it
My soul is crucial but so is yours
So try not to fake it cause it making me soar
I don't care if you want to ruin your life
But Just don't Ruin mine in the f*cking mean time
You and your friends are just like the others
Not f*cking special, because you aint shit
In my book you were the blandest character
All you have to show is your fugure
Holding back in so many different ways
Tarring my conscience making me go crazy
Setting everything in right order
You'll fight back but that will be a slaughter
I won't go down with an attack
If your a bad ass with bitchy sas
Then you go online acting like someone died
Then you start to cry and blame it on I
Rounding up your friends Making a scene
Then everyone Sees you as f*cking mean
But you know deep down in your heart
Whos the real one making this f*cking hard
This is self inflection that does't end
When you wake you become a deadly sin
Nobody really cares about your life
But go ahead and post it hopeing gets a like
I can't understand why you really care
Do you think people want to stop and f*cking stare
What's the point of keeping on going
If all you are going to do is keep on showing
People start to lose interest in you
Have nothing left to reveal about food
Once you reach less popularity
Creating drama becomes your specialty
So worried that people don't know enough
So you go tell your whole life story
Leaving out anything eventful
Then you ask why I despise everything you do
What is there not to despise
Your whole life is a f*cking lie
Its so typical that you would say
You have no posts anyway
Your telling me I have no life
But look at you not knowing what filter to decide
Is carving out what people want to see
Making it something that it would never be