Country of the Lamp
© Sandy Rapp & Naomi Lazard 2008 & 2019
Music by Sandy Rapp
Words by Naomi Lazard & Sandy Rapp
I heard a song about the lamp.
The one held high above the harbor
To light the ships upon the sea,
And guide the children out along the shore.
I heard a song about the lamp.
Is this the Country of the Lamp?
Is this my generous America?
Is this the land of freedom fighters
Who had the dream to build it
One for all and all for one?
Is this the Country of the Lamp?
Bring me my hat,
My fiery hat of indignation
And bring my coat the color of
Resolve without surcease.
I cannot rest til I have found my lost America,
Land of equality, justice and peace.
I cannot rest til I have found my lost America,
Is this the Country of the Lamp, America?