Song for Ellie Smeal © Sandy Rapp 2012
I saw her on the Mall just off the green.
She had the first cell phone I'd ever seen.
Eighty-nine. and the Bush Administration was in line.
She spoke of choice and women's liberty.
She started low then made the church bells peal.
On the screen, I had seen her and I knew her Ellie Smeal.
From the mountains to the lowlands,
You can hear her call for freedom and the E.R.A.
From the hilltops to the hallways of D.C.,
We will sing a song today for Ellie Smeal.
President of NOW three times was she,
With access bills to keep the clinics free.
Then was she, off to found the Feminist Majority.
For civil rights and full equality,
And gender balance in the Little League,
Ellie Smeal, then went on to our Ms. Magazine.
Repeat chorus
I see her on the Mall most everywhere,
A lasting imprint on the ether there.
And I hear when she
Sings a Song For Choice amongst the prayers.
Repeat chorus twice