Blue eyes, a smile that lasts for days
Puffy cheeks and wobbly legs
Long fingers and toes, a button nose
You're always decked out in Hawkeye clothes
As you get bigger, you'll see
Essie, you'll always be a baby to me
And we'll play
Peek-a-boo, I see you
We'll watch Daniel Tiger and Winnie the Pooh
I know you'll get older, I will too
But for now, let's play peek-a-boo
Wispy hair, a couple of teeth coming in
Your snaggletooth makes a sideways grin
You're such a cute, sweet, calm, and gentle soul
You make our family whole
As you get bigger, you'll see
Essie, you'll always be a baby to me
And we'll play
Peek-a-boo, I see you
We'll watch Daniel Tiger and Winnie the Pooh
I know you'll get older, I will too
But for now, let's play peek-a-boo
I see you changing
Learning as you go
As the world keeps spinning
No matter how much you grow
I want you to know
I will always play
Peek-a-boo, I see you
I'd love to watch Daniel Tiger and Winnie the Pooh
Of course you'll get older, I will too
There will always be a shoulder that's here for you
So for now, let's play peek-a-boo