お金がほしい! (Money, money, money!) But making money is tough, you see! お金がほしい! (Money, money, money!) I need some cash for me, oh please!
お金がないと買えないね (Can't buy anything without some cash) Everything costs, it's such a pain ATM行っても、あんまりない (Even at the ATM, there's not much there) My wallet cries, it's so unfair
お金がほしい! (Money, money, money!) But making money is tough, you see! お金がほしい! (Money, money, money!) I need some cash for me, oh please!
仕事探しても、なかなかね (Even searching for a job, it's tough you know) Getting hired is slow, they go so slow アルバイトも探すけど、 (Looking for part-time jobs, but still) My pocket's tiny, what a low
お金がほしい! (Money, money, money!) But making money is tough, you see! お金がほしい! (Money, money, money!) I need some cash for me, oh please!
ローンも返さなきゃ、でも (Gotta pay the loan, but hey) Where's the money for rent today? 友達に借りても、すぐ返せず (Borrow from friends, can't repay) Money, oh money, won't you stay?
お金がほしい! (Money, money, money!) But making money is tough, you see! お金がほしい! (Money, money, money!) I need some cash for me, oh please!
お金がほしいけど、どうすれば? (I want money, but what can I do?) I'm stuck in this financial zoo お金がほしいよ! (I want money, money, money, please!) Oh, someone send some money, freeze!