Instant hell...
The invasion and destruction of radioactive ashes
This planet insanely deserves to be f*cked
Would not it be great to witness the nuclear power?
Would not it be great to have the pleasure of mutation?
Art of using all equations as shattering power
Chemical weapons on top of everything, meet real gods
The protected shelters can not save anyone
Your lungs are torn apart by the extreme light
How pleasant it is to feel the hell of infernal warm?
Dynamic pressure and impact, skins are black like coal
Debris rises into the darkest sky
But even that your sky will be dust
Systematic consistent explosion series
Raining of Cesium and Strontium 90
All the life particles that blows up!
Evaporation in mushroom cloud
The scorching of hellish heat, the blinding light that illuminates!
Intensity of relentless emanation won't allow the final screams
Red-brown death spreads the radioactive domination by absorbing
Flyaway corpses smelled another human ashes in the last breath
The scorching of hellish heat, the blinding light that illuminates!
Intensity of relentless emanation won't even allow the final screams
Red-brown death spreads the radioactive domination by absorbing
Flyaway corpses smelled another human ashes in the last breath
The morbid future don't even allow to wait for the catastrophic process
As you think it is being penetrated by beta and gamma rays in a short time
Because the genuine war of satan does not create the regional debris clouds
Instantly wipes out existence, everything is powdered by endless fallout