How did it all come to this, where did it all go wrong
Did we not shout loud enough, did you not hear our song
You looked down on us mere mortals, while we tried to talk of peace
Developing your acts of war, more ways to kill the weak
This perfect world
Is built upon the bones
Of the ones less powerful
Than the masters on the thrones
This perfect world
Is choking on the blood
Of a million lost souls
Bodies broken in the mud
This perfect world
Stealing life and dealing death
Drowning in a sea of pain
Clawing desperately for breath
This perfect world
Is a world with no respect
The arrogance of power
Is a world that I reject
Palm oil and soya fields replace forests of the planet
All the species kept in cages cos we've destroyed their habitat
Surrounded by the products that we must have to survive
Pouring millions into countries to keep their population alive
This perfect world
Is built upon the bones
Of the ones less powerful
Than the masters on the thrones
This perfect world
Is choking on the blood
Of a million lost souls
Bodies broken in the mud
This perfect world
Stealing life and dealing death
Drowning in a sea of pain
Clawing desperately for breath
This perfect world
Is a world with no respect
The arrogance of power
Is a world that I reject
Sell your weapons to both sides then sanction all their food
Sitting safe behind your walnut desk in cowardice you brood
Taunting, you force a hand, stirring conflict, starting war
Making millions from their blood as you weaponize the poor
This perfect world
Power competes for power
Players in a great game
This perfect world
Dictate to the poor
Our fear they adore
This perfect world
Power competes for power
Giants absolved of blame
This perfect world
Dictate to the poor
In their godforsaken war
In the media you crow how we destroy the human rights
Watching millions leave their homeland carrying nothing but their plight
The exploited funding arms in a desperate wave of pain
Yet in safety you condemn as you cast away the blame
This perfect world
Is built upon the bones
Of the ones less powerful
Than the masters on the thrones
This perfect world
Is choking on the blood
Of a million lost souls
Bodies broken in the mud
This perfect world
Stealing life and dealing death
Drowning in a sea of pain
Clawing desperately for breath
This perfect world
Is a world with no respect
The arrogance of power
Is a world that I reject
Kicking back with your feet up, you're still warm and dry
Watch the world get decimated and never question why
The last news item is fading from your mind
Behind the door there's my nightmare, its the world you leave behind