Falling over and over again
Asmodeus armed with lust
Will induce you to Fall as well
Beelzebub must be fed
His weapon is your gluttony
The feeling lust unsatiated
Mammon will stir within you
A certain spell of greed
Selfish wanton yearning to feed
Tired hog like Belphegor
Seduces me, keeps me satisfied
A bounty in Idleness
Satan deceiver, father of wrath
Opening eyes and stealing souls
Trifle humanity forsaken fate
To choose between faith and hate
Am I really worthy?
Will God look my way?
What will He decide for me?
What would Satan say?
What would Satan do?
Am I really worthy?
Will God look my way?
What will He decide for me?
What would Satan say?
What would Satan do?
Leviathan supplies my envy
To take away what you prize
And dig you an early grave
God's pride mighty Lucifer
The Devil amongst devils
Tempter of freewill
No one can stop the fall
All humanity at my knees
For man's innate wisdom?
Treachery, Treachery
Treachery, Treachery
Treachery, Treachery
Treachery, Treachery