I went on the ocean
I went on the sea
I went chasing a
Nameless girl
Who was not chasing me
Had I foreseen the future
What vile and darkened thought
Would I have set my mind so firm
Abandoned what I sought
Far out to sea came a rising storm
With clouds blacker than night
Close under turbulent whitecaps, a shadow
Reflecting electrical light
Without name or mention
In shadows did she hide
Once I followed
And twice I ran
And three times when I lied
Take me back my darling dear
Forgive my flee from home
A nameless want
Divined a face
To lure and to cheat and to scorch and to eat my soul
Swallowed whole by the serpent
Long thought to be no more
39 Days in the belly
And 24 hours till the shore
I went on the ocean
I went on the sea
I was wrecked
Before I left
And wrecked is how I'll be
Like Jonah I was taken
On word on will from high
And here I'll be
Unknown and lost
Unknown until I die
Far out to sea came a rising storm
With clouds blacker than night
Close under turbulent whitecaps, a shadow
Reflecting electrical light