In the stillness of the air
My soul soars high
I'm not a dumb ghost
Just a crow flying
Just seeking my calling
Looking for truth
Messenger of the gods
The bringer of youth
A new perspective is needed
A new tune to sing
A crows song
Brings it all in
Breaking chains
Soaring high above
Watching over loved one's
For those that have passed on
Giving guidance
Keep time
A crow's burden
Really is sublime
A symbol of change
Trying to transform
My black feathers scatter
Always looking for a home
Making peace with my past
Both thought and memory
I'm just a crow flying
And I bring about change
A new perspective is needed
A new tune to sing
A crows song
Brings it all in
Breaking chains
Soaring high above
Watching over loved one's
For those that have passed on
Giving guidance
Keep time
A crow's burden
Really is sublime
Time to change
To stretch and to grow
Soaring in a murder
Not flying so low
Messenger of the Gods
I'm tempting fate
Making new tracks
No time to waste
Breaking chains
Soaring high above
Watching over loved one's
For those that have passed on
Giving guidance
Keep time
A crow's burden
Really is sublime