Come on all ye lads and lassies
And listen to my sad tale
And I'll tell to you what happened to me
One night down in Kinsale
It been the summer season
I'd found meself a job
Singing ballads in the bar
To make a couple of bob
I was doing a bit of a stint me boys
Down in the Folkhouse Bar
Little did I know that night in town
Was the dreaded Garda Car
Oh, they're baggin' 'em in Kilkenny
In Dublin and Kildare
Cork and Tipperary
Donegal and Clare
No matter where you come from
No matter who you are
If you're a man who likes his porter
Beware of The Garda Car
When the gig was over
And me gear all packed away
Says I I'd have one for the road
And leave without delay
Alas that was the one I fear
That caused me my downfall
How was I to know me fate
Sure I hadn't a clue at all
When I put on my cap and coat
And drank down my last jar
The barman's final comments were
Beware of the Garda car
Oh, they're baggin' 'em in Kilkenny
In Dublin and Kildare
Cork and Tipperary
Donegal and Clare
No matter where you come from
No matter who you are
If you're a man who likes his porter
Beware of The Garda Car
I was just about to leave the pub
When much to my dismay
A Garda car with flashing lights
Come up and barred me way
Says he 'have you drink taken?'
Says I 'a shmall amount'
Says he 'would that be four or five?'
Says I 'I never count'
They made me blow into the bag
Sayin' tonight you've gone too far
And to the station I was taken
In the back of the Garda Car
Oh, they're baggin' 'em in Kilkenny
In Dublin and Kildare
Cork and Tipperary
Donegal and Clare
No matter where you come from
No matter who you are
If you're a man who likes his porter
Beware of The Garda Car
Now, the doctor he was sent for boys
Looking tired and distressed
Through bleary eyes he asked me
Would I mind a urine test
Says I 'I likes things private'
When I answers natures call
But that request was soon shot down
Oh, they'd have to view it all
What a horrible indignation
To take the thing so far
And I wish they all would go to hell
Along with their Garda car
Oh, they're baggin' 'em in Kilkenny
In Dublin and Kildare
Cork and Tipperary
Donegal and Clare
No matter where you come from
No matter who you are
If you're a man who likes his porter
Beware of The Garda Car
Now I've been law abiding
Since the day that I was born
But this terrible legislation
I view it now with scorn
Sure there's trickies and there's hooters
Who break laws everyday
But they can't be caught easy
And they get clean away
I've tried every trick I know
To avoid the old social scar
But there is no way you'll get fair play
From the boys in the Garda car
Oh, they're baggin' 'em in Kilkenny
In Dublin and Kildare
Cork and Tipperary
Donegal and Clare
No matter where you come from
No matter who you are
If you're a man who likes his porter
Beware of The Garda Car
If you're a man who likes your porter
Beware of The Garda Car