Who am I
The devil is in my mind
Who am I
Trying to make a better version of myself
Who am I
Focusing is getting harder everyday
Who am I
Judging everyone is not option Sebi
Who am I
I have a feeling in my head
The past is the past
Concentrate on the present
Reflect yourself now
You keep telling to yourself
Who the f*ck are you now
The question is what are you gonna do
What f*ck are you doing now
Get up
Or I will beat your ass
You promised to yourself
You will get better
You are so naive
You got caught by your own demons
Who am I
You went trought a lot pain
Messing around
With my past
Turn around what you see
That's you the failure
You have a monster in you bro
Let it come out
Even if that means you gotta
Leave your family behind
It was 10 years ago
Tears starting to drop
You know I am by myself
With a gun in my hand
Ready to pull of
Just me who is fighting you
You put me in all this shit
Destroying me
Not having faith or hope
But you remember when I said
I am gonna take you out
The day come
Bitch get out
I need to know who I truly am now
I negelected myself to much
Don't do the same mistake as I did
Look yourself Sebi
Remeber all the memories
You had with everyone you know
I know but I can't take it anymore
I'm telling you I can't take it anymore
My kindes destroyed me
Made a lot of problems
Hurt a lot of people
I was falling into darkness
He controls everything
Even my thoughts
Couldn't sleep at all
Wanted to kill myself
I wanted to chill
I wanted to get out
I did for a while
I had fellings for a while
But the truth is
I wanted to give up
I felt like I could not find a solution
I wanted love
But I only got played
Abused of drugs
Abused of hurting everyone
And who I am I ask myself
This for a long time
I wrote a letter today
With everything I did in my life
It helped
Nah not even at all
The dispersion almost killed me
I was about to shot myself
A light came in
I know I couldn't believe myself
And since that day
When I was about to die
In a f*cking college
I write this letter
That I am alive
And bitch I won't give up
Bitch I will never give up