Mech wa9et chghol
Tayer 3aref rouhy khyr mel kol
Newi ta3ref tol
9olna eli je lowel howa lkol
3ayech mondo wahdy ntarep fihe bkoli
Nice w 9olt lel rouhy fel mouzika nsayeb gholi
Fake w sayeb zebi mech w9ayet na3mel enemy
Tayer mech bel chikha w feedbacketkom ekher hami
Ken el bad vibes w ena b3id alehom
Ch3andi fehom
Ma nkounch hdhehom, tjaneb blehom
La trani m3ahom
Im feeling ken 7achyet m3ahom
W el kedhb tghahom
Fi wejhek dha7ka w sem wrahom
Hani b3id alehom
Mela chouf rouhek el fou9 you ll be flexin
Kothret ken 9ilet ma3rouf they ll be hatin
Fama raby wahdou ychouf they cant judge u
Energy w el vibe tdour dima foundou
Mech wa9et chghol
Tayer 3aref rouhy khyr mel kol
Newi ta3ref tol
9olna eli je lowel howa lkol
Drama w paro on me
Mech kayenou w9ayet jek w lezmek tfi9
Tal3ebhech strong 9odemi na3ref lfik
Eyes on me w 7ayer t9oul ma chefet 3inik
Omniti na3ref chbik
Now let me sketch it
Nsawerlk haja jdida nkhalik fix it
Keep the stress away w you can make it
Pressure dima b3id men ghir u fake it
Your time to make it yeaa