Well I'm not here
But I'm there
I'm lost in thought
Just bewhare
I needed help
But I didn't get any
Well I don't need no one to fill my needs
Yes I'm a fool indeed
My dog can't bark
But I can
Your one is white
But mines black
You cant see shit
I'm so blind
My mother said
I am nice
But I cannot
Role the dice
Whats with her
Well I don't need no one to fill my needs
Yes I'm a fool indeed
Well I don't need no one to fill my needs
Yes I'm a fool indeed
Why can't I walk
Oh that's right
I don't have legs
Mind sharing
The world is spinning
Now that I have
Your advice
Please walk away
That'd be nice
I'm cold as ice
Well I don't need no one to fill my needs
Yes I'm a fool indeed
Well I don't need no one to fill my needs
Yes I'm a fool indeed