Draw me close to feast at the table
Fill my cup You satisfy my longings
Let me taste the kindness of your mercy all my days
Hold me close your spirit is within me
I want more anoint my head with oil
In the pastures of your goodness lead me
What the sun is to morning what the moon is to night
The dew to the flower this is Christ in our lives
The pen in the pages the grape to the wine
The paint on the canvas ever changing our lives
Let all I have long for you
You are my portion my joy and salvation
Let all I am be one with you
Arrest me with wonder I need you forever
Draw me close to feast at the table
Fill my cup You satisfy my longings
Let me taste the kindness of your mercy all my days
Hold me close your spirit is within me
I want more anoint my head with oil
In the pastures of your goodness lead me
The balm for my bruises every need you supply
The bread to the hungry my soul satisfied
Sword of a warrior our shepherd's rod
Bow of his arrow He fights for us
Let all I have long for you
You are my portion my joy and salvation
Let all I am be one with you
Arrest me with wonder I need you forever
The kiss of a father the blood of the son
Poured out for ransom to gain unmerited love
As close as a whisper as dear as a friend
My refuge and shelter communion with no end
More than a champion He's a conquering King
The key to my victory He's the reason we sing
The defeat of all darkness the hope of all time
Our joy of salvation this is Christ in our lives
Let all I have long for you
You are my portion my joy and salvation
Let all I am be one with you
Arrest me with wonder I need you forever