[ Featuring Lois & Bram ]
I know a ditty, nutty as a fruitcake
Goofy as a goon, silly as a loon!
Some call it pretty, others call it crazy
But they all sing This tune!
Mairzy doats and dozy doats
And little lamzy divey
A kiddly divey too, wouldn't you?
Mairzy doats and dozy doats
And little lamzy divey
A kiddly divey too, wouldn't you?
Well, If the words sound queer
And funny to your ear
A little bit jumbled and jivey
Say, Mares eat Oats
And Does eat Oats,
And Little Lambs eat Ivy
Mairzy doats and dozy doats
And little lamzy divey
A kiddly divey too, wouldn't you?
Well now that you've figured that one out, how about this?
Whalezy deels and sealzy deels
And baby fishy doysters
A squiddly doysters too wouldn't you?
Can you do that?
Whalezy deels and sealzy deels
And baby fishy doysters
A squiddly doysters too wouldn't you?
Not bad!
If those words wound queer
And funny to your ear
All you girlsters and boysters
Say, Whales eat Eels,
And Seals eat Eels,
And Baby Fish eat Oysters!
Whalezy deels and sealzy deels
And baby fishy doysters
A squiddly doysters too wouldn't you?
A squiddly divey too? Nah
A kiddly doysters too?Uh-uh
A kiddly divey too? Yeah!
Wouldn't You?!