Water coming down on the street
The biggest shower I've ever seen
Water coming and crowding the road
Down she falls
Down she falls
Run children run, something's happening
Something in the sky went wrong
Run children run, they said
Down she falls
Down she falls
The mountains reach the sky
And give a hand to the rain
Together they dance
A brown river coming down
Here it comes
Here it comes
Cars swimming in the street
Coming to life and drive themselves
Cars coming down in the street
Down they go
Down they go
Basements becoming closets
And then holes and then swimming pools
And then the sea under the ice
And you can't see the way out
Down you go
Down you go
Down you go
Down you go
Mama said she would have come back
Maybe she's trying to convince
House and car to come back
She tells them we love 'em
But they say no
But they say no
But they say no
Down you go