You'll never think about me, wont you?
You''ll nevel get what you have done
Rip my flesh from my bones, just do it
This act will never make me scream
When my soul was screaming, noone has heard
It was like a f*cking whisper
Why am I supposed to hear your screaming mouth
If it tells less than my silence
Every day I wanna go to sleep early
To start a new day
It has to be better
Why is it supposed to go with me
Will never get the answer what is near
I'm being ruined from inside
Just trying to complete my own Gestalt
Stabbing my back, the sharpest knife
Will never get the answer why
I got to pay another's bills
Escaping from the evil's will
It makes me hate myself
It makes me eat myself
It gets me overwelmed
By all the shit I've never done
Paying for your mistakes
Paying for their mistakes
Who's gonna pay for mine?
Who's gonna pay for mine?
Every day I wanna go to sleep early
Wanna start a new day
It has to be better
Every day is like another f*cking bad dream
Trougth this nightmare gonna make myself better
How many bad things have i done for you to torture me that hard?
Will you forgive me for the nothing i have done
А за душой моей распятие лежит
Down the black street there's no more than a rotten space
Where I can see no more but burning shattered dreams
I disappear