A little kid
Once talked to the stars
Is there someone
Far beyond the sad sky
Cause she wanna to fly
Before she die
But she always fall
Before even trying
Walk, walk, walk
Because we needed to
Talk, talk, talk
Because it's lonely
Scars healed
But what did I learned
Stand up
Just to fall again
I keep running
But I keep falling
I walk
But I keep stumbling
Why am I here
What's the point
I guess quitting
Is now a choice
They say that
History keeps repeating
Like clockwork, ticking
Again and again
But deep inside me
I have a melody
A burning passion
A whole new story
Just let it fall
Don't forget to breath
Why does it matter
If you keep falling
Stand up
And do it again
Tik tok tik
Time is running
Life is short
We can't redo
But not too old
They say you can't
But at least you're trying
Took me a lot
Of sacrifices to get here
You can't achieve peace
Unless you fight for it
Crazy but
Not too crazy
I can sail
Wherever I want
They say that
History keeps repeating
Like clockwork, ticking
Again and again
But deep inside me
I have a melody
A burning passion
A whole new story