Little Sister's found a way
To filter out and pass the day
She takes a handful of her hair
And reaches for her blade
But still, she thinks she looks the same
And doesn't like it either way
So once again, she grabs her knife
And looks to filter out the day
Little sister's cut her hair again now for all to see
Maybe next she'll dye her skin
And hope that she can be
Alive, existing, in their eyes; and stand out in their view
Little sister, cut your hair
'Cause no one's watching you
She runs it through from left to right
Hidden deep within the night
She presses just a bit too hard
And ends up losing half her sight
Little Sister, now you're blind
But does it stop your aching mind
Knife in hand, again you cut
And wring your spirit dry
Little sister's cut her hair again now for all to see
Maybe next she'll dye her skin
And hope that she can be
Alive, existing, in their eyes; and stand out in their view
Little sister, cut your hair
'Cause no one's watching you