Cumstained sweatpants
Withering houseplants
Cheerless boys with glowing toys
Flunking out and rolling joints
Bourgeois scofflaw
Opulent grandpa
Waiting for their just rewards
Try to grow a spinal cord
It's my generation of peace, love, and understanding and
We don't take shit from no one, cause we're all family
My generation of peace, love, and understanding
We're gonna take this lying down
Cause we're all wasted
Pooped out bootstraps
Dive bar deathtrap
Find each other such a bore
Oh, to perish in a war
Duped and spoonfed
Paperless pinheads
Giving up before we fall
Boneless meat and beer pong balls
It's my generation of peace, love, and understanding and
We don't take shit from no one, cause we're all family
My generation of peace, love, and understanding
We're gonna take this lying down
Cause we're all wasted