Lion King
I wanna sing
For you
Oh boy, want your touch
You are just too much
For me and my energy
Oh man don't you see
What you did to me
You got me trapped as soon as I was free
Lion King please crawl my way
This is more than a small crush
Devour me every day
How I long for your touch
You got my head running round and round
You got me lost just when I was found
When our eyes met for the first time
I knew instantly you were mine
Its you and you alone that I long to smother
I recall I was once yours but that was in another
Time, another place, our own wonderland dream world
I can only dream that possibly I will be your girl
I'll take you for a whirl [Yeah]
Call it wishful thinking
Call it what you will
I am manifesting
My will
Be it so
This I know
I'm aching for your touch
I want you so much
When my higher self led me to you
At first I couldn't believe it was true
When I saw your face that fateful day
I knew in my heart that you would stay
Lets go runaway
Lion King
You make me want to sing
Oh Baby
Stink your teeth into me
I bet your hungry
Come please eat me
Oh Shane
Your driving me insane
Oh Lion King
I'm waiting for my ring