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sixty9lives Lyrics

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All Songs 101 Freeway LA CiTY TRAFFiC (1) [ijustcreatechaostomatchthechaoswithin] 2020 remember me?(allididwaswaitforyoutowake) [KLLSH0T,H3ADSH0T,U,MISSED,BOOHoososadfL!zaardz] 28 hours(ripped superhero cape) 3:33 3:39 MESSAGE iN A BOTTLE (a) [heavens.e] [S] [itslike[Y] [L] [i] ALCHEMIZE all my friends are spies angels time, yours, mine ashes(HEY CLASS TO THIS YOU MUST PAY ATTENTION!) atomic number 79 AVANT-GARDE: ON THE OTHER SIDE OF ANTARTICA, GHOSTOASTROAST b-level manifestation (1257) bloody hands, DOOR SLAMMED brand new! just for you! car in drive goin' 99 on the 5 see ya in the next life COLD LUKEWARM SHOWERS (P ART3) cosmically blindsided, blackside DELTA(iwrotethis3yearsnowitsallTRUEandYOUdonothing,WAKEUP) DELUSIONAL REALITIES, what a tragedy(sievielleichtnächsteWochekommt..) [ALL] delusional thomas and delusional me kickin' it on hollywood blvd DO YOU BELIEVE IN FATE OR DESTINY FxG?(metomecensorshippsuedofactcheckers) DUALITY Egy angel jött, te azt mondtad: „Just knew. EMF UCK YOU(WHYTHEFCKWOULDILIE?) [SILENTHITS, GANGSTALKING, TARGET INDIVIDUALS] [ILOVEMYLIFETHISMYINSURANCE] eternity, for you misses. (haunted by you, forever) EYEPODNANO Feldner Street Los Angeles(i spill my heart into my art) FLORIDA (your lips on mine) sad. ghostfaces GUILT FUELED RAGE MAKES YOU hairgodzitorickeyandbrizabotaudio2thankyouily HAVE NO FEAR SiXTY9LiVES is HERE!!!!!!!! HEART'S LEVER, SENSATIONS, MIRACLES HOLDING A SIGN ON HOLLYWOOD BLVD INFERNOCEAN KiiSFMOONCOMPANYLULLABIESPIES LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL, LIFE IS ART(SHE SAID) listentothisandthencreateyourownfatebetterthanthisyourwordshavepoweryoucandoanything Lost in the darkness mirrors MiSS FUSS KARMA DOVE(NO its YOU, u r rxC!ST FREAK BACK OFFDONTRUINMYSONG) MK ULTRA IS THE RAPTURE. (Hi GERMANY,ilovemylifedonteventhinkaboutcomingformehilaryidkuguysrfreakingweirdbackoff) [OPERATIONPAPERCLIP] [MINDKONTROLLEULTRA] MOCKERY AT MY IDIOCRACY(ilostit) 'mymind MOUSETRAPS (PART1) neptune Neptune's Monday Blues Clues nineteen daggers (you got a master degree in FAKE, PUNK) OK, i'll put Tustin on the map OM!CR0N V1RU$ = MORONiC(ForHungary) [Isten segítsen minket] P ART 2 PERMAFRIED photongrave pokerface(night&day) PURGATORY (rising pisces shift:aquarius clear view) Royalty Loyalty Best Day is Today SAFE PLACE FOR SNAKES PART 2: DEAR AMERICA I NEED YOU, CAN YOU HEAR ME? SAFE PLACE FOR SNAKES. (wink) [3+5is8,heh] SAY Hi TO MY SiXTY9PASTLiVES, WiTCH seasvclyz!! (forever) [youandme] SELLOUTS. (WELLFCKYALLILLNEVERGIVEUPIWASBUILTFORTHIS) [CONTROLLEDOPPSONCALL] [MINDCONTROLISREALFCKURSCRIPTEDPODCAST!!!!!!!!!] [FAKEtriots, aw boohoo] [doyouremember2022?BECAUSEIDOFCKULA!] [BUNCHAFRAUDS] SHUT UP SNITCH (PART2) STALKED BY THE GRIM REAPER(LIFE PATH 7) sunday brunch talk about TIME TRAVEL (yourbiggestfan) [wishingalways] [iforcemyselftoignoremyinstinctseveryday] [canweskipthischapter] :'(thepaininmyheartifeelnowtypingthistitleisunreal) WAKE UP ALEENA WASH THIS HUMAN OFF ME(THE REASONS FOR LIFE AND DEATH) you think this all cutesy like i can drop a pin for you all? YOUmakeMEsofterthancottonCandywah'te'ch.nicol'ordus(your) ['t] Your eyes are the color of seaglass your eyes on me, my heart skips a beat 'You're so creative' YUGOSLAVIA
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