Let's Dance, Put on your Red Shoes
Let's Dance, Put on your Red Shoes
I wanna see you f*cking, f*cking dance
I wanna dance, dance, dance on the dance
I wanna be on the spin around to the f*cking worm
To the f*cking worm
Let's Dance, Put on your Red Shoes
Let's Dance, Put on your Red Shoes
Let's Dance, Let's Dance
Let's Dance with the f*cking, f*cking bride
Let's have sex while I got a f*cking boner
When I see the f*cking, f*cking girl
I wanna have sex, I'm a f*cking horny, horny guy
Let's Dance, Put on the Red Shoes
Let's Dance, Put on the Red Shoes
Let's Dance, Let's Dance
Let's Dance, Put on the Red Shoes
Let's Dance, Put on the Wedding Shoes on
Let's Dance on the Red Shoes
Think about the wedding
Think about marriage
Think about having kids
Thinking about having grandchildren
I don't think about having a car
I think about having another car
I think about the Lamborghinis
I think about being rich
Let's Dance, Put on the Red Shoes
Let's Dance, Put on the Red Shoes
Let's Dance, Put on the Red Shoes
Let's Dance, Let's Dance
Let's Dance, Put on the Red Shoes
Let's Dance, Put on the Wedding Shoes
Let's Dance, Put on the Wedding Shoes
Let's Dance, Let's Dance
I'm bout to smash that f*ckin' f*ckin' car
I wanna make that sicker, sicker guitar
I don't give a f*ck about my f*ckin' f*ckin' mind
I only think about my mind cause I blame you suck my cock everyday
Let's Dance, Put on the Red Shoes
Ghostbusters Bad