It was a really long week
It was a really long week
It was a really long week she said
It was a really long week
It was only four days
It was only four days
It was only four days
It was only four days
It was only four days
It was only four days
It was only four days
It was only four days
It was only four days
It was only four days
It was only four days
It was only four days
Shut up
Shut up
Shut up
Just shut the f*ck up
Shut up
Shut up
Shut up
Just shut the f*ck up
Leave me alone
Let me walk alone
Don't walk next to me
Because I don't like you
I don't like you
I don't like you
Don't walk next to me I said
Because I don't like you
Leave me alone
Leave me alone
Leave me alone
And shut the f*ck up
Shut the f*ck up
Shut the f*ck up
Shut the f*ck up
Just hut the f*ck up
Shut the f*ck up
Shut the f*ck up
Shut the f*ck up
Just shut the f*ck up
Shut the f*ck up
Shut the f*ck up
Learn Japanese
Shut the f*ck up