Shootings here, shootings there, what the f*ck is wrong
These psycho adults have all gone nuts from all the pills their on
If the PTA played more GTA we might have had a chance
But now I've had it, no more Reader Rabbit
It's time to take a stance
I've gathered you all, a rallying call
Let's take it to their place
I've come to learn that it's my turn
To shoot them in the face
A blue cross and shield they will wield when it's their time to die
They'll spit out their Folgers at the sight of small soldiers
A desk, a corporate exec, as bullets start to fly
A fax for help to upper management, but hope they managed to survive
No severance pay, just severed arms and legs
Benefits are quick and painless deaths
Make Kony's kids look like Jerry's kids
Your only raise is your head
Come on guys, let's go
These people are weak
They need coffee in the morning and NyQuil to sleep
Take an hour lunch to eat alone in the car
Talk shit about each other and complain to HR