In my era of isolation
Wondering when I'd next see
The outside in all its wonder
Terror and fading glory
The desolation I've come from
Journeyed here in efforts to
Rescue the sweetness of the sun on skin
Shine a light on the good in you
Parades by the motorcade
For crowd surfing the silver pure
Upon a whooping cough of stellar dust
To bring back the cosmic cure
We will line the streets
Time will rate a hero highly
For this great feat
Our present is a gift you kindly
Brought us back from the brink
The edge of a flat Earth pipe dream
Where ignorance reigned supreme
It is for this mission to reclaim
The holy part of us that died
That we thank a dame with our applause
A star that rose against the night
We will line the streets
Time will rate a hero highly
For this great feat
Our present is a gift you kindly
Brought us back from the brink
The edge of a flat Earth pipe dream
Where ignorance reigned supreme