Man of the wordly mind
Link by link you forged these chains
God and sinners reconciled
Only your fetter and drag remains
The golden apple
From the Hesperides garden
I'll sell it in the chapel
Were you pray for pardon
Your heart must harden
Man of the wordly mind
The true meaning underlies
In the deal, you so lightly signed
There's a new moon somewhere in the sky
I fear nothing but people
Wear a thin undying skin will never ripple
I'll be fast and crush you first
One must steal oneself and i will
To fill my thirst
I look through this window all the faces
I have left behind and I don't give a dime,
Like time, like tide
I wait for no one and no one's in my mind
I'm on the outside
Looking in
Won't spend a penny for my kin
Look not in your senses
A decision to find
Even a slight disorder
Will make them cheat you blind,
But not your mind
I bit the apple of discord
When among you I'm passing by
Will make your life so on to strife
There's a new moon somewhere in the sky
And now that you cannot see
I'll step upon your neck until you die
I'm not a sinner, because I sin
I sin because I'm a sinner