Sugarland, an American country music duo, is composed of singer-songwriters Jennifer Nettles
and Kristian Bush. Sugarland was founded in 2002 by Kristen Hall with Bush and ultimately became
a trio after hiring Jennifer Nettles as lead singer.
Sugarland has sold in excess of 14 million records. Besides songs written with Kevin Griffin, Nettles
and Bush write all of the band's songs.
Kristian Bush (background vocals, lead vocals, mandolin, acoustic guitar, and harmonica)
Jennifer Nettles (lead vocals)
Name Origin:
Georgia native Kristen Hall came up with the name
because it had a "sweet" sound to it.
Sugarland was a small rural town just outside of Houston Texas.
The name is a reflection of the main industry of the time - a sugar mill and refinery owned by Imperial Pure
Cane Sugar. While the company is still headquartered their, the refinery has long since been closed.