I saw Jesus hanging on a basketball hoop
And I saw roaches in my mother's morning coffee
And the roaches called me faggot
I saw the grimy hot-handed boys
In locker room sweat-licked conversation
Groping themselves through tighty-whities
And praying for white america
And I saw them wish they could kiss me, too
I saw leaves fallen like soldiers to the ground
On my walk home from work
I am twenty-one and I have never been older
And the leaves look like lizards
Crushed on the pavement beneath my feet
And it's me who killed them, I killed them
Because I am bigger, I am fatter
I am more than them
I see a woman in the afternoon
She is crawling through the fibers on my couch on all fours
Her movements are exact and she looks perfect
She says, "I want to open a bottle of champagne
I want to drink it fast"
"I want to take off my clothes, now" she says
"I want to make it last"