I don't make songs for rich young white kids making fun of Leonard Cohen
Going out on SNL to show the world all that they're knowing
With their happy lives about to crumble, they're on the verge of knowing all
They don't need me, and I don't want them after all
I don't make songs for the mainstream, they never liked me anyway
Even ones that get half crazy never gave me the time of day
They don't get it
If they don't understand, I couldn't explain it if I can
I don't know how I ever got so f*cking balls
I make songs for the Chinese diving from the factory
For the kids locked in the closets while Guardians away
I make songs for the trans girl who can't afford the white kid in city school
Black kid on honor roll, weird kid nobody wants, the old woman ready to take the plunge
The witch with no friends, the woman with no men, slaves of every race
Christian with no place, Muslim in the heartland, gay man with no men
Straight guy trying hard to find anyone to care
I make songs for mobsters lost, hardened, dying inside, prisoners in private
Public, military, warehouse, jails, walls, and I pray that what I do can do some good in their lives
There's about one chance in a billion that it helps, and that's all I'm good for, nothing else
So when I get put on some playlist and the millions overnight, I just don't get it
My friends are so much better than I, maybe they'll get there too
Hell the money's even coming in now, I hope they get richer than I'll ever get
So it's 8:43 on Christmas 2023, never thought I'd live past 17, I'm an old f*cking man now
Whose fire burns bright, it's burned all my insides up like a flare in the night, and
I hate those f*cking jackwads making light of Leonard Cohen, and I know they'll get theirs
When they get to learn the things adults must know, and then they'll never make it as far
As he or I did anyway, cause the artists of today don't have the fire, they're just f*cking
Lukewarm eye candy, that's all
So Merry Christmas, to the blind and the lame and the poor and the pathetic and the lost
To the world hates even more than me, I work for you and you alone, you damned hopeless
Lot, I hope you find Jesus and lose the pain we've got