Girl In the hospital and you're
All alone There is nobody to visit
Everybody that loves you is dead
Oh No sleep 'cause the pain in your head
And I know And I don't Really know what I'm sayin
Feel alone and I'm dead And I'm lost with a mean thought
My spirit is wearin' down every day just a little
And you swear they don't wanna see you doin' well
Wanna see you doin' bad Want you cryin' out for help
And you swear that they wanner see you doin' well
Wanna see you doin' bad Want you cryin' out for so
Girl I don't need to know what's happenin' there Oh
And the nurses love your colorful hair
Golden girl But you feelin' so blue
Oh And the doctors know there's nothin' they can do
And you swear they don't wanna see you doin' well
Wanna see you doin' bad Want you cryin' out for help
And you swear that they wanna see you doin' well
Wanna see you doin' bad Want you cryin' out for so
What you wanna know They will not say
All I wanna know is that you- okay
Alone When I hear your voice but you not pray Not praying