Ten years before I woulda said something stupid oh
What a fresh face like a first year UVA
Smoke just rolling out the hood
That 16 year old Pontiac
She was old enough but act like a little girl
Balled up fists close to tears
Stomping foot
Like a smart-ass I didn't want her to know
How much I adored the curve of her breast
How the sight of her hat made my butterflies move
So I was rough talking, tried to appear like
The grump old man I was
Said is there any fluid in it?
She had a look like clueless, didn't know
I said what kind of daddy must you have
Didn't show you how to check the fluids in your vehicle
She said no kind of daddy, I never met him
Well such a pretty face and so damn young
My heart just broke for this girl
And I told her yeah, I never met my Momma either
Maybe I'd know how to talk to women better
If she was there, so I'm sorry sweetie,
How about I fill you in on this car here
And I showed her how to protect herself from the radiator cap
Blowing high, filled it up with a deer park gallon I had for camping
How to cool the engine 3 minutes and check her oil,
Where to change it how to use the jack for that or to
Change a tire, stomp down on the bar all of her 100 pounds
For those lug nuts
And she was so much stronger than she looked,
He'd have been proud, hell I was
She took To it So smart, grease smudges on her chin and cheek
Scent of gasoline
Leave that car running for the transmission stick
Brake fluid
How to jump the battery
Watch the fan
What'll burn you if not careful
It took about an hour but man it was worth it
She went from a frustrated little girl
To a real woman, self reliant, strong and more beautiful
A little mussed up
We parted ways she thanked me and shook my hand
Looked like my daughter. Walkin' away she said
I wish you were my dad, I didn't look back
Nobody sees my tears
And I see her 3 years later, older, taller, talking with a pretty little thing
Whose engine was cooling down, 10 year old ford
She was showing the girl how to jump up and down on the bar
To loosen the lugs, check the oil, she was doing my job there
And I wish the same thing honey, I wish the same thing