Suppress the oppressed (Suppress the oppressed)
Speak out now and you're under arrest
Suppress the oppressed (Suppress the oppressed)
Doesn't matter if it's a protest
Suppress the oppressed (Suppress the oppressed)
Locked away now with no contest, with no contest
They crush dissent, just like a bug
With their dumb f*ck cops and their billy-clubs
Shoot 'em up with gas now, they're having a blast now
Hiding like cowards behind their masks
Suppress the oppressed (Suppress the oppressed)
Zero sign of any morality
Suppress the oppressed (Suppress the oppressed)
Spit into the face of democracy
Suppress the oppressed (Suppress the oppressed)
They don't give a shit about you or me, 'bout you or me
Beating on people just like a thug
All because Daddy never gave a hug
Break a young kid's leg now, put him in a cast now
Make sure this protest will be his last
Suppress the oppressed (Suppress the oppressed)
Speak out now and you're under arrest
Suppress the oppressed (Suppress the oppressed)
Doesn't matter if it's a protest
Suppress the oppressed (Suppress the oppressed)
Locked away now with no contest
Suppress the oppressed, suppress the oppressed
Suppress the oppressed (Suppress the oppressed)
Suppress the oppressed, suppress the oppressed
Suppress the oppressed (Suppress the oppressed)