Oh.. reborn again
Stuck mending the ridges in this skin with cement again
Maybe this time it will keep the body together
Or maybe blades of grass will crack it open and lay me bare after a while
But it will erode again
And the sand will bear none of my footprints before it blows in the wind
Only others' whose silhouettes are outlined by my formless dust, tugged by nature
Not me
O loving and gracious God, have mercy
Have pity upon me and take away the awful stain of my sin
Oh, wash me, cleanse me from this guilt
Let me be pure again
For I admit my shameful deed, it haunts me day and night
It is a sin against You and Your infinite mercy
Create in me a new clean heart, O God
Purify me and make me white as snow
Cleanse my thoughts and desires
Restore to me again the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey you
Jesus, have mercy on me
Jesus, have mercy on me
Jesus, have mercy on me
Jesus, I trust in You
Jesus, I trust in You
Jesus, I trust in You
Now do not be afraid of the glorious Sacrament of Reconciliation