When the dreaded day arrives, you're caught off your guard, caught in the act
You built that web of lies, we were taken in, taken along for the ride
It's a cheap facade, now it's crumbling
It's a dim mirage, we're no longer fooled
Your exalted station was all you wanted, all you ever loved
A true transaction, a balance in trade, predictable reaction
This is no sabotage, this was your true intent
No failure of camouflage, anyone can see
Caught out, called out, admission of guilt on your pretty face
Step down, take down the advertisements & come-ons
Leave now, it ends now, persona non grata, reprobatus
Unthroned, unknown, I banish you from my sight
It's amazing to see those that remain, those that accept the spell
The charms found their target, the willing audience, the buyers bought it
You & your coterie, dead to the world
This is my blasphemy, I curse your faith
Caught out, called out, admission of guilt on your pretty face
Step down, take down the advertisements & come-ons
Leave now, it ends now, persona non grata, inamatus
Unthroned, unknown, I banish you from my sight
It look long enough, it took a life
Took all I could give for a time
Caught on a ledge, I spit out the pledge
I'll never fall for that trick again
Caught out, called out, admission of guilt on your pretty face
Step down, take down the advertisements & come-ons
Leave now, it ends now, persona non grata, inamabilis
Unthroned, unknown, I banish you from my sight
Caught out, called out, admission of guilt on your pretty face
Step down, take down the advertisements & come-ons
Leave now, it ends now, persona non grata, de falsis diis
Unthroned, unknown, I banish you from my sight
I banish you from my sight
I banish you from my sight
I banish you from my sight
I banish you from my sight