I'm waiting here for you
The rainbows and dark clouds
Have come and passed
I'm waiting here for you
See the bridge
All you have to do is cross it
I'm waiting here for you
It bucketed down
Just like you asked
I've put in a good word
To the one in charge past this pearly gate
I wanna know
Did you enjoy the show?
I'd climb a mountain
Just to talk again with you
One year since you passed
Can't believe it's gone so fast
Time can fly
When you're trying to get by
Everlasting memory
One year it just can't be
I wait for your signs
Around Me
Around Me
I wanna know
Did you enjoy the show?
I'd climb a mountain
Just to talk again with you
What can I do?
I'm waiting here for you
It bucketed down like you asked
I'm waiting here for you
The rainbows and dark clouds have come and passed